The Nootka: Scenes and Studies of Savage Life (West Coast Heritage Series)

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pp. 216. “Sproat’s classic eyewitness account of life among the Nootka (or West Coast People), published in 1868, was the first such book to be written by an educated resident of Vancouver Island’s outside coast. He was not an impartial witness by any means, but by his standards, Sproat was honest. Equally interesting as the study that the author paints of the Nootka, is the self-portrait of a bewildered European that emerges in these pages. For the first time in 120 years The Nootka is again available and this time in an edition modernized and annotated for the contemporary reader by Charles Lillard.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0919203639
ISBN13 9780919203631
Number of pages 216
Original Title The Nootka: Scenes and Studies of Savage Life (West Coast Heritage Series)
Published Date 1987
Translators Charles Lillard, edited and annotated by
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication VIctoria
Edition First edition


pp. 216. “Sproat’s classic eyewitness account of life among the Nootka (or West Coast People), published in 1868, was the first such book to be written by an educated resident of Vancouver Island’s outside coast. He was not an impartial witness by any means, but by his standards, Sproat was honest. Equally interesting as the study that the author paints of the Nootka, is the self-portrait of a bewildered European that emerges in these pages. For the first time in 120 years The Nootka is again available and this time in an edition modernized and annotated for the contemporary reader by Charles Lillard.”

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Weight 1 kg