The Rise of the Therapeutic State

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pp. 287, “Assuming that “marginal” citizens cannot govern their own lives, proponents of the therapeutic state urge casework intervention to reshape the attitudes and behaviors of those who live outside the social mainstream. Thus the victims of poverty, delinquency, family violence, and other problems are to be “normalized.” But “normalize,” to Andrew Polsky, is a term that “jars the ear, as well it should when we consider what this effort is all about.” Here he investigates the broad network of public agencies that adopt the casework approach.”

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Book Information

ISBN13 9780691000848
Number of pages 287
Original Title The Rise of the Therapeutic State
Published Date 1993
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No dustjacket
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Princeton, NJ
Edition 2nd printing


pp. 287, “Assuming that “marginal” citizens cannot govern their own lives, proponents of the therapeutic state urge casework intervention to reshape the attitudes and behaviors of those who live outside the social mainstream. Thus the victims of poverty, delinquency, family violence, and other problems are to be “normalized.” But “normalize,” to Andrew Polsky, is a term that “jars the ear, as well it should when we consider what this effort is all about.” Here he investigates the broad network of public agencies that adopt the casework approach.”

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Weight 1 kg