Paris to the Past: Traveling through French History by Train

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pp.381, Traces the history of France along a chronological journey that ranges from the Roman influences on Provence and the monuments of medieval chivalry in Dordogne, through the chateaus of the Loire Valley, to the courts of Ile-de-France.” previous owners inscription and embossed stamp on FEP

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Book Information

ISBN 0385266723
ISBN13 9780393078947
Number of pages 381
Original Title Paris to the Past: Traveling through French History by Train
Published Date 2011
Book Condition good
Jacket Condition Very good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition First edition


pp.381, Traces the history of France along a chronological journey that ranges from the Roman influences on Provence and the monuments of medieval chivalry in Dordogne, through the chateaus of the Loire Valley, to the courts of Ile-de-France.” previous owners inscription and embossed stamp on FEP

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg