The Secrets of the Haggadah

$35.00 CAD

pp. 188. “The Haggadah, one of the best known texts of our sacred literature, is rich in meaning. Once again Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson has used his unique approach to uncover the exalted ideas that the words and letters of the holy language, Hebrew, convey. This approach is especially suited to the study of the Haggadah, for the holiday of Passover does not only symbolize our redemption, but is also symbolic of the holy language”

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SKU: 120077 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 1568219369
Published Date 1996
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Ppbk
Size Larger 8vo
Place of Publication Northvale, New Jersey, U.S.A.


pp. 188. “The Haggadah, one of the best known texts of our sacred literature, is rich in meaning. Once again Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson has used his unique approach to uncover the exalted ideas that the words and letters of the holy language, Hebrew, convey. This approach is especially suited to the study of the Haggadah, for the holiday of Passover does not only symbolize our redemption, but is also symbolic of the holy language”

Additional information

Weight 0.85 kg