The Tree

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“John Fowles takes the tree and the forest as the best analogues of prose fiction, symbolizing the “green man” or the wild part of our psyche from which the artistic impulse is born. He explains the impact of nature on his own life and warns “civilized” man of the deeper and more subtle dangers that attend his traditional rejection of the wild and the chaos it has come to represent. The author also wrote “The Collector”, “The Aristos”, “The Magus”, “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”, “The Ebony Tower”, “Daniel Martin” and “Maggot”.”

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SKU: 293082 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 0002166097
Original Title The Tree
Published Date 1979
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size Oblong 4to
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First edition


“John Fowles takes the tree and the forest as the best analogues of prose fiction, symbolizing the “green man” or the wild part of our psyche from which the artistic impulse is born. He explains the impact of nature on his own life and warns “civilized” man of the deeper and more subtle dangers that attend his traditional rejection of the wild and the chaos it has come to represent. The author also wrote “The Collector”, “The Aristos”, “The Magus”, “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”, “The Ebony Tower”, “Daniel Martin” and “Maggot”.”

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg