The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation

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pp.325.”The mystery of human consciousness, of how and why we think, has stimulated heated scientific inquiries throughout the world. In The Undiscovered Mind, John Horgan interviews scientists engaged in every aspect of the search for answers — including neuroscientists, Freudian analysts, behavioral geneticists, and artificial intelligence engineers — and lays bare the weaknesses, fallacies, and, sometimes, the absurdities of their conclusions.As he investigates everything from the effectiveness of Prozac and other treatments for mental disorders to the robot designed at MIT to replicate human thinking, Horgan dismantles the myth that science can establish a final theory of the mind. Engaging, witty, and profound, The Undiscovered Mind presents a persuasive argument that understanding the essence of human nature transcends the most sophisticated methods of scientific inquiry.” previous owners name on FEP

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Book Information

ISBN 0684850753
ISBN13 9780684850757
Number of pages 325
Original Title The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation
Published Date 1999
Book Condition Very good
Jacket Condition Very good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition First edition


pp.325.”The mystery of human consciousness, of how and why we think, has stimulated heated scientific inquiries throughout the world. In The Undiscovered Mind, John Horgan interviews scientists engaged in every aspect of the search for answers — including neuroscientists, Freudian analysts, behavioral geneticists, and artificial intelligence engineers — and lays bare the weaknesses, fallacies, and, sometimes, the absurdities of their conclusions.As he investigates everything from the effectiveness of Prozac and other treatments for mental disorders to the robot designed at MIT to replicate human thinking, Horgan dismantles the myth that science can establish a final theory of the mind. Engaging, witty, and profound, The Undiscovered Mind presents a persuasive argument that understanding the essence of human nature transcends the most sophisticated methods of scientific inquiry.” previous owners name on FEP

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Weight 1.3 kg