The Unexpected War : Canada in Kandahar

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pp. xv 348.”The Unexpected War exposes the poverty of Canadian foreign policy, arguing that Canada’s various military missions in Afghanistan have been ad hoc in nature and made on the basis of political calculations-often flawed-about Canadian-American relations. Drawing upon interviews with key decision makers and advisors, and a first-hand account by a former Defence Ministry insider, the book offers a gripping account of how Canada became embroiled in a new kind of war-fighting insurgency in a failed state.’

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Book Information

ISBN 0670067229
ISBN13 9780670067220
Number of pages 348
Original Title The Unexpected War: Canada In Kandahar
Published Date 2007
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Toronto
Edition First Edition
Publishers: ,


pp. xv 348.”The Unexpected War exposes the poverty of Canadian foreign policy, arguing that Canada’s various military missions in Afghanistan have been ad hoc in nature and made on the basis of political calculations-often flawed-about Canadian-American relations. Drawing upon interviews with key decision makers and advisors, and a first-hand account by a former Defence Ministry insider, the book offers a gripping account of how Canada became embroiled in a new kind of war-fighting insurgency in a failed state.’

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Weight 0.63 kg