The Warrior Queens

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pp. xiii [2] 383,, b/w and color illustrations, “In this panoramic work of history, Lady Antonia Fraser looks at women who led armies and empires: Cleopatra, Isabella of Spain, Jinga Mbandi, Margaret Thatcher, and Indira Gandhi, among others.”

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SKU: 194814 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 0394549392
ISBN13 9780670809066
Number of pages 383
Original Title The Warrior Queens
Published Date 1989
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New York
Edition First Edition


pp. xiii [2] 383,, b/w and color illustrations, “In this panoramic work of history, Lady Antonia Fraser looks at women who led armies and empires: Cleopatra, Isabella of Spain, Jinga Mbandi, Margaret Thatcher, and Indira Gandhi, among others.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg