Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend

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pp. 301, “Was the father of psychoanalysis a fraud? As the Library of Congress prepares to launch its Freud exhibition in September 1998, critics mount a serious challenge to his legacyThe myth: Sigmund Freud was the heroic investigator who discovered a way to uncover the mind’s secret wishes and repressed traumas, thereby curing his neurotic patients and freeing a culture from its dependence on sexual denial.The reality: Professor Crews argues that Freud devised a self-validating method of inquiry, deluded himself about his patients’ illnesses, and failed to cure them. He founded a doctrinaire movement that has excommunicated dissenters while trying to evade empirical scrutiny.In Unauthorized Freud, Frederick Crews, America’s best-known and most trenchant opponent of psychoanalysis, frames the revisionist case against Freud in selections by historians and critics. Drawing on such astute observers as Frank J. Sulloway, Adolf Grunbaum, Ernest Gellner, and Frank Cioffi, Crews has assembled a powerful case against the coherence of Freud’s brainchild. Free association, transference, symbolic dream interpretation, the Freudian slip, female masochism, penis envy — each classical tenet of psychoanalysis is shown to be fundamentally flawed. Together with Crews’s pointed analysis, these chapters produce a shattering sense of finality: the Freudian revolution is now a thing of the past.”

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Book Information

ISBN 0670872210
ISBN13 9780670872213
Number of pages 301
Original Title Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend
Published Date 1998
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication New york
Edition First Edition


pp. 301, “Was the father of psychoanalysis a fraud? As the Library of Congress prepares to launch its Freud exhibition in September 1998, critics mount a serious challenge to his legacyThe myth: Sigmund Freud was the heroic investigator who discovered a way to uncover the mind’s secret wishes and repressed traumas, thereby curing his neurotic patients and freeing a culture from its dependence on sexual denial.The reality: Professor Crews argues that Freud devised a self-validating method of inquiry, deluded himself about his patients’ illnesses, and failed to cure them. He founded a doctrinaire movement that has excommunicated dissenters while trying to evade empirical scrutiny.In Unauthorized Freud, Frederick Crews, America’s best-known and most trenchant opponent of psychoanalysis, frames the revisionist case against Freud in selections by historians and critics. Drawing on such astute observers as Frank J. Sulloway, Adolf Grunbaum, Ernest Gellner, and Frank Cioffi, Crews has assembled a powerful case against the coherence of Freud’s brainchild. Free association, transference, symbolic dream interpretation, the Freudian slip, female masochism, penis envy — each classical tenet of psychoanalysis is shown to be fundamentally flawed. Together with Crews’s pointed analysis, these chapters produce a shattering sense of finality: the Freudian revolution is now a thing of the past.”

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Weight 1.2 kg