Watershed: Reflections on Water

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pp. xiv 194.”this book puts water in the context of its effect on our daily lives and our environment. He also warns that there are those who would exploit this valuable resource for their own use. MacEwan wants us to make tough decisions now in order to protect our water supply in the future. ” paperback edition

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SKU: 236958 Category:

Book Information

ISBN 1896300359
ISBN13 9781896300351
Number of pages 194
Original Title Watershed: Reflections on Water
Published Date 2000
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition No Dj
Binding Paperback
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Edmonton
Edition First Edition


pp. xiv 194.”this book puts water in the context of its effect on our daily lives and our environment. He also warns that there are those who would exploit this valuable resource for their own use. MacEwan wants us to make tough decisions now in order to protect our water supply in the future. ” paperback edition

Additional information

Weight 1 kg