Where Hope Takes Root: Democracy and Pluralism in an Independent World

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pp. 146.”In Where Hope Takes Root, a collection of talks given over the past six years, the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims?a sizable number of whom live in Canada?sets out the principles that inform his vision of peaceful, productive societies. He returns again and again to the three cornerstones upon which his many years of work in the developing world are based: democracy, pluralism and civil society. Democracy, always fragile, must be nurtured in practical and flexible ways, he says.”

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Book Information

ISBN 1553653661
ISBN13 9781553653660
Number of pages 146
Original Title Where Hope Takes Root: Democracy and Pluralism in an Independent World
Published Date 2008
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Vancouver
Edition First Edition


pp. 146.”In Where Hope Takes Root, a collection of talks given over the past six years, the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims?a sizable number of whom live in Canada?sets out the principles that inform his vision of peaceful, productive societies. He returns again and again to the three cornerstones upon which his many years of work in the developing world are based: democracy, pluralism and civil society. Democracy, always fragile, must be nurtured in practical and flexible ways, he says.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg