Words with Power, Being a Second Study of The Bible and Literature

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pp.xxiv [3] 342.”Words with Power is the crowning achievement of the latter half of Northrop Frye’s career. Portions of the work can be found in Frye’s notebooks as far back as the mid-1960s when he had just finished Anatomy of Criticism, and he completed the book shortly before his death in 1991. Beyond summing up his ideas about the relation of the Bible to Western culture, Words with Power boldly confronts a host of questions ranging from the relationship between literature and ideology to the real meaning of words like ‘spirit’ and ‘faith.’ “previous owners bookplate on verso of front board

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Book Information

ISBN 0670831212
ISBN13 9780670831210
Number of pages 342
Original Title Words with Power, Being a Second Study of The Bible and Literature
Published Date 1990
Book Condition Very Good
Jacket Condition Very Good
Binding Hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication San Diego
Edition First Edition


pp.xxiv [3] 342.”Words with Power is the crowning achievement of the latter half of Northrop Frye’s career. Portions of the work can be found in Frye’s notebooks as far back as the mid-1960s when he had just finished Anatomy of Criticism, and he completed the book shortly before his death in 1991. Beyond summing up his ideas about the relation of the Bible to Western culture, Words with Power boldly confronts a host of questions ranging from the relationship between literature and ideology to the real meaning of words like ‘spirit’ and ‘faith.’ “previous owners bookplate on verso of front board

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg